So this is it! SALT is over and I'm back in Canada for the time being. I mentioned "liminal space" in the other post. This transitioning back to life here takes a while. A little longer than I expected, actually! There's culture shock of course, getting used to culture that I haven't been part of for 11 months. There's dealing with changes that have happened here because time didn't stop while I was gone. There are also the things that have stayed the same, which tend to frustrate me and test my patience. Of course, my experience changed me and I need to deal with that. And of course, I miss Indonesia. The "situasi" over became home to me and I left a lot of wonderful people behind.
With all that and preparing for my last year at CBC, my head is quite full! I'm blessed to have a place to stay for a few weeks and just rest.
Finally, I want to thank all of my supporters who followed me. God has been faithful this year and the evidence is clear: from around this time last summer, when I was first starting SALT and you committed to support, until the present time when I have returned "home" safe and feel more abundantly blessed. I was really able to serve and learn with communities that played an incredible role in my life - from Indonesia, Canada or wherever you come from. My family has grown significantly and home ceases to be one spot on the map where a house stands. It's wherever you all are and wherever the Spirit leads me. SALT has been a great part of my pilgrimage in this world to the ultimate home - the kingdom of God - and I cannot thank you enough for your place in my journey. God is so good. What a privilege we have to serve him! Please be encouraged by my stories and be inspired to serve wherever you are. Missions isn't just a job for select few; we are ALL called to live missionally WHEREVER we are. The kingdom of God is here. Fix your eyes on it and work towards making it known to everyone. I trust that God is doing great things through you all and is revealing himself to you. Trust him and he WILL make your path clear! Thank you once again and be blessed! May you experience God's shalom :)
Kepada saudara di Indonesia: Terima kasih atas segala berkat selama saya melayani di Indonesia. Ini sudah kangen semuanya, Indonesia memang menjadi "home" buat saya! Situasi disitu sangat nyaman, hangat, jadi saya selalu merasakan syukur. Saya berharap bisa kembali ke Indonesia. Tuhan memberkati anda sekalian, biar dapat kekuatan dan sukacita untuk melayani dia. Be inspired! Kemudian, kalau ada kesempatan ke Kanada, monggo :) Ditunggu saya! Matur nuwun, Gusti berkati. Syallom!
In him,
Selamat tinggal, Indonesia... Until we meet again! |