In reflection today, I'll use the classic line from Peanuts:
...being part of awesome churches. I feel like part of the GKMI family here in Jogja. I feel like I'm at the point (or have probably reached it a long time ago...) where I can become what missiologists call a "storyteller". This means feeling comfortable enough in the language and going beyond surface-level conversation to talk about the real person in front of me; to talk about real things like life, family, emotions and opinions; sharing testimonies about the goodness and grace of God in our lives. What a blessing. This is true for my other communities here as well. Also, what a privilege to watch the life of Summit Drive at home and still be a part of it from a distance.
...gaining the trust of children. I'm often at a loss of how to get their attention and keep it, but here I've been learning! I love the feeling of a child resting against me, clearly feeling safe. Now, there's still one little boy at church that won't warm up to me...
...weddings. I'll probably attend more wedding banquets in 11 months here than in the 22 years before in Canada. I love a good celebration, big or small! Had the chance to go to our church caretaker's daughter's wedding in a village southwest of Jogja. It was incredibly small but man, what a blessing to be able to attend this family's special day!
...Kingdom ethics. I've been thinking a lot about this lately, as I talked to a pastor/professor here and wrote a paper on a faction of the subject. What an amazing command there is throughout the Scriptures to serve "the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow". In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus quotes Isaiah 61:1-2 about this and I think this is unmistakably CLEAR about what we need to be doing as his disciples. Upside-down Kingdom is a great book on this and I've recently started reading Politics of Jesus.
...swimming. I am thankful for my upbringing on the shores of Eleanor Lake and the decks of the Canada Games Pool. In a place as hot as this, there's no greater treat than swimming! Although, I keep misjudging the Indonesian sun and get burnt. Repeatedly.
...eternal hope. A friend's father from BC recently passed away from heart failure. Watching from afar was difficult. I do admire my friend's faith and this incredible hope she displays. While the fact of the left-behind family and friends breaks my heart, it's so good to remember our Saviour and the way he opened up for us to meet again. And better yet, to meet him. O glorious day...
...the market. The perfect place for the freshest food ever, gossip and 24-hour fellowship.
...mail from family and friends. I don't care that the Christmas mail came 3-4 months late, it just extends the Christmas joy! 7 km bike ride from the university getting easier and easier.
...simple living. There's a great fridge magnet in the MCC office that says, " LIVE SIMPLY, SO THAT OTHERS MAY SIMPLY LIVE". How true is that? When we look at our lives in perspective to others, especially to those that are unsure if they'll have food or shelter tomorrow (an interesting note: the highest refugee population right now is from Syria, having surpassed the 1 million mark), does it change the way we live or think? I hope so. Living in middle-class communities here, I've been incredibly challenged...
...being able to pray. It's not just a daily routine but rather a conversation with my Creator; a way to connect with my family across a distance; an intervention into world issues that, right now, I have no means to physically be part of; and a weapon against the systems of death and the prince of this world.
Now, always the logical one:
I do prefer the word joy: a truly God-given gift, part of the Spiritual fruit that I desire to display. And don't get me wrong, this joy (and happiness) doesn't always exist. I am often tired and desire to return to Canada asap. Cross-cultural interaction can be taxing and sometimes it just takes too much energy to think in a foreign language. But, I choose to persevere til the end and choose SEMANGAT!, a great Indonesian word for "spirit" or "passion" to keep going.
Shalom! In Christ,
Lisi :)